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WDV341 Intro PHP

Presenters CMS Example

UPDATE Form for Changing information on a Presenter

This page is called from the selectPresenters.php page when you click on the Update link of a presenter. That page attaches the presenter_id to the URL of this page making it a GET parameter.

This page uses that information to SELECT the requested record from the database. Then PHP is used to pull the various column values for the record and place them in the form fields as their default values.

The user/customer can make changes as needed or leave the information as is. When the form is submitted and validated it will send the form data to the the updatePresenters.php page. The PHP page will update the record in the database.

Notice that this form uses a hidden field. The value of this hidden field contains the present_id. It is passed as one of the form name value pairs. The updatePresenters.php page will use that value to update the selected record on the database.

Update the following Presenter's Information. Place the new information in the appropriate field(s)

First Name:

Last Name:



Zip Code:

Email Address: